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Tapestry of Love

February 13, 2014



I want you woven into a tapestry of love, in touch with everything there is to know of God. Then you will have minds confident and at rest, focused on Christ, God’s great mystery. All the richest treasures of wisdom and knowledge are embedded in that mystery and nowhere else. Colossians 2:2-3

Christ is God’s tapestry of love and you are invited to be woven in. You can be a part of the most beautiful love story the universe has ever known. You can be stitched into that masterpiece of love.

What color are you? What piece of the story do you tell?

Know this…all the colors and all the parts of the tapestry are vital to it’s integrity. You are invited and you are needed. Will you offer your whole, truest self to this grand experiment?

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